Popular classes in2175 schools based on30 years of dedication to teaching
※As of October 31th, 2024
Language company
English teaching
Direct management of Nova Ekimae Ryugaku ("study abroad locally") operations and Nova Bilingual Kids locations nationwide, and management of headquarter-based franchises and Gaba One-to-One English
- 299 schools
- 579 schools
- Anywhere
- 39 schools
Planning and development of cutting-edge media (including Nova listening supplements and Nova App Ryugaku) and an English writing course on which students have their input polished to perfection by professional native-English editors
Content promotion tailored to specific reader requirements
Education company
Tutoring schools
Direct management and operation of franchised private-tutoring schools from which the company originated (Itto Kobetsu Shidou Gakuin, Gambaru Gakuin, TOPS, Miyabi Kobetsu Shidou Gakuin and Sumire Kobetsu Shidou Gakuin)
- 1001 schools
- 188 schools
- 29 schools
- 2 schools
- 3 schools
Teaching for kids
Nova Bilingual Preschool, Jibun Mirai Nursing School, and Plus+Days Nursery schools with English teaching based on a genuine wealth of experience
- 8 schools
- 15 schools
- 6 schools
- 4 schools
Overseas learning
- Last Resort
- Full-time expert advice on learning abroad, visas, host families and insurance
- Japan Tourism Agency registration No. 2011
- Japan Association of Travel Agents (JATA): regular member

Sports company
Management of Hiroshima Dragonflies and Dortmund Soccer Academy
B to B services
Interpretation & Translation Services
High-quality interpretation/translation services based on a wealth of experience in governmental, corporate and academic fields
- <Main services>
- Interpreting
- Interpretation equipment
- Translation
- Narration
- <Languages>
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Ukrainian
- Polish
- Swedish
- Chinese
- Korean
- Indonesian
- Thai
- Mongolian
- Vietnamese
- Myanmar/Burmese
- Cambodian(Khmer)
- Malay
- Nepali
- Hindi
- Sinhala
- Arabic
- Persian
- Turkish
- Dari
- other major languages
Corporate Language Study
Classroom and instructor dispatch-based corporate language teaching for a variety of Japanese organizations with overseas arms requiring local-language operation
- <Languages>
- English
- French
- German
- Russian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Chinese
- Korean
- Others